Our work doesn't stop at the end of term

How holiday activities continue our personalised support for young people in West London

At West London Zone, we know that our work does not stop at the end of termThe record-breaking temperatures over the summer didn’t stop us from providing holiday experiences and opportunities outside of school – while having lots of fun with our young people in the meantime.

  • By providing additional experiences and opportunities outside the classroom, young people can keep active, safe, and socialise with other children in a fun and informal setting
  • Encouraging young people to access local opportunities while also nurturing new hobbies means that they can continue well beyond the two year programme
  • We feel that this can only enhance their wellbeing, so they continue progressing academically when they return to the classroom

The work we do at West London Zone is underpinned by the tailored, two-year programme of support, bespoke to each young person we work with. This support encompasses a wide range of activities, from academic tuition, sports, or creative sessions, and life skills sessions in cooking and gardening – all under the careful coordination of the partnerships team and Link Workers. However, we know that the growth and development of our young people doesn’t stop when term does, which is why it is so important that we continue our work outside the classroom and into the school holidays.  

West London Zone Link Worker & young people having fun at the Princess Diana Memorial Park, Summer 2022

West London Zone Link Worker, John and excited young people having fun at the Princess Diana Memorial Park, Summer 2022

Joining Up Resources

The young people that we work with – and their families – are invited to participate in trips and activities throughout the summer. Not only does this provide opportunities for them to have fun and make new friends with other children from different schools, they also learn new skills and boost their emotional well-being in the process.

Link Workers have seen that building confidence in this way can have a big impact on them when they return to the classroom. Furthermore, participating in sports, drama, and art and crafts, as well as visiting places like the Science Museum and London Zoo, is an opportunity to introduce young people to experiences that might not ordinarily be readily accessible – not to mention the continued access to their Link Workers. Joining up resources in this way only enhances the holistic nature of our work.

Summer with West London Zone 2022

Strong local partnerships

This summer, as always, the team at West London Zone supported with a range of these trips and activities, alongside the Link Workers and the young people they were responsible for. The activities are coordinated with our delivery and community linking partners, organisations and charities working locally to provide additional experiences and opportunities to support children, young people and families in our area. 

Highlights of these trips included a cooking workshop delivered by Nourish Hub, where we were invited to try new recipes from around the world; a full day of arts and crafts at Kite Studios, who nurture creativity and positive interactions through art; and group drama sessions delivered by Tie Dye Drama, who run inspiring workshops to help young people engage with contemporary issues through role play and open discussion.

A firm seal of approval from young people

"Fun’...‘Just fun!’...‘The trip was really fun, I would love to come again! I made new friends and saw the penguins."

However, we know that the fun nature of these experiences are only one aspect – it is important that the full programme of support is maintained too. 

For example, our Link Workers ensured everyone who attended was able to access opportunities that were aligned with the support they were already receiving during term time. This might mean that a child with low self-confidence who is enrolled with And Circus during the school year might be encouraged to attend a BMX trip with The Bike Guys, who help children improve their confidence and skills in a fun and safe outdoor environment. Similarly, QPR in the Community Trust hosted a number of football-based activities, which also support confidence building through sport.

Not just a great day out

“I’ve really seen how these holiday-based activities impact the young people we work with in a different way. Being able to mix with children from other schools develops their social skills, their confidence grows, and although the ostensible purpose of the trips is to have fun, we know they have a lasting impression on their overall wellbeing.”  Georgia, Link Worker

"I loved the trips and also my behaviour at school is better."  Young person on the WLZ programme

Charly Pye

Development Manager (Trusts & Foundations)

together, every child and young person can flourish.
