our funding

At a time when funding for local services has never been tighter - with huge pressure on budgets for children's and young people's services - AllChild has created a brilliant new model to make our money go further.

Leader, local council

AllChild benefits from a diverse and sustainable funding model, with each child supported by their local council topped up with support from central government*, their school and philanthropy. This means we are not reliant on one source of funding alone and can provide more support with these parties together than any one of them on their own.

In the long term, we aim for a broad mix of mostly local funders who support us to help the children achieve better outcomes so that they have a stake in the transformation of their own community.

We work to ensure that every child gets on track socially, emotionally and academically – and we have designed our funding model in a way to help us deliver this. Our commissioners pay us in instalments over the course of a child’s two-year programme, when we provide evidence of their participation in the programme and their progress at the end.

With payment explicitly tied to each individual, we are driven to achieve for every single child on our programme.

*We are part-funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport through the Life Chances Fund, and administered by The National Lottery Community Fund.

We estimate that there will be total savings or wider benefits worth £31.6m at 2020/21 prices.

ATQ Consultants, in an independent analysis of outcomes achieved with the first 740 children through the AllChild programme. That’s £43,000 per child.

Our Audited Accounts are available here.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
