Lockdown has impacted on young people’s self-confidence and engagement in school

Our latest survey* reveals that the need has grown for West London Zone young people, particularly for those in secondary school.

In secondary schools:

  • This term, 10% more WLZ young people are not engaged in school and in their education than in 2019, before COVID-19.
  • More than two-thirds of WLZ young people now have poor engagement with school.
  • 70% of WLZ young people now have low self-confidence, rising from 62% in 2019 prior to COVID-19.

“The significant catch-up work overwhelms the students to the point that they don't feel like there is any purpose in trying. More than ever, the challenge is finding the balance between building confidence in the students whilst trying to support them to stay on top of schoolwork.”
WLZ Link Worker

Despite this, our data also shows that two-thirds of WLZ young people no longer have poor emotional wellbeing. This is a huge success. Between April and July this year, we estimate our Link Workers dedicated one-third of their contact time with young people to supporting their wellbeing.

The challenges and effects of COVID-19 and lockdown are still emerging, so it is key we understand where the need is now and where it may be in the next few months. By doing this, we can ensure we are adapting to support all West London Zone young people to succeed.

Ursula Hankinson, Head of Impact

*Survey Measurements:

  • School engagement is our measure of how much a young person values going to school and their school work.
  • Self-confidence, or self-efficacy, is our measure of a young person's belief that they can succeed.
  • Emotional wellbeing is our measure of testing for symptoms such as being nervous or worried.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
