Information about the West London Zone Parent/Carer Survey

What is the Parents/Carers West London Zone Data Collection Survey?

The parent/carer West London Zone Data Collection Survey is an annual survey that is run in select schools in West London. All parents and carers with students enrolled in Years 1 to 4 are asked to take part in the survey.

What is West London Zone?

West London Zone is a local charity which aims to help young people grow up safe, happy and healthy. West London Zone supports local organisations to work together so that young people can get the help and support they need to flourish. West London Zone is based in the White City (W12) neighbourhood.

More information about the work of West London Zone is available here.

What is the purpose of the survey?

The main purpose of the survey is to identify children aged 5-8 who may benefit from the opportunities that West London Zone is able to offer. The information from the survey is also used by schools to provide an up-to-date snapshot of their students.

What kinds of questions are asked in the survey?

The survey will ask questions of parents or carers about children’s physical and emotional health, behaviour, family, school and community life. Two examples of the survey questions appear below.

  1. Please choose the appropriate response for this item: “My child often has temper tantrums or hot tempers”
  • Not true
  • Somewhat true
  • Certainly True
  • I’d prefer not to answer
  1. You compliment your child after he or she has done something well.
  • Never
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Always

What is involved in taking the survey?

The survey can be completed at home, or at Ark Swift on selected times and dates. The survey takes between 20 and 40 minutes to complete. 

Who is responsible for the survey?

The survey is administered by West London Zone. The data will be processed and analysed by West London Zone.

Is the survey voluntary?

Yes, the survey is completely voluntary.  We would like as many parents and carers as possible to complete the survey, but parents and carers do not have to take part if they do not want to. Individuals will be asked if they want to participate before starting the survey. There is also an opt out question at the start of the survey in case a parent/carer starts to take part and then decides that they don’t want to do it. The survey can also be stopped at any point.

Is the survey confidential?

The parent/carer survey is not confidential. Parents and carers will be asked to give their name, and other identifying information. At the end of the analysis process, West London Zone will use the survey data provided by parents and carers to determine which students may benefit from extra support within and outside school. West London Zone will approach families and students to take part in the West London cohort for the year. Parents and carers do not have to consent to themselves and their children taking part in the West London Zone cohort if they don’t want to.

Do I get a reward for taking part?

All parents and carers who participate in the survey will go into a draw to win a £100 Westfield gift card.

How is data from the survey stored and protected?

Information from the survey will be stored securely on encrypted servers, using both on and off site backups.

Who can I contact if I have any other questions?

If you have any further questions about the survey, you can contact us

together, every child and young person can flourish.
