From local Learning to National Ambition

March 19, 2025
“We still believe that the solution has to be local. But we know now that the problem is national. And so, we have a new ambition to be a local charity creating a national blueprint for change.” 

- AllChild CEO Louisa Mitchell MBE

Our new report explores how the AllChild model can be scaled in a way that deepens our impact locally and broadens our reach nationally. 

Balancing the work of creating deeper, community-led connections where genuine relationships form, while also building a national blueprint for change in different areas will be a challenge. But, we already have an evidence-led model which has been adapted over the last eight years, and the data to prove that the way we are working is having a considerable impact with young people, families and communities in the communities we partnered with. 

From Local Learning to National Ambition’ sets out our approach to address contemporary issues affecting children and communities across the UK. These challenges include: mental health and wellbeing; school absenteeism; and growing up in poverty. We explore our place-based approach to working on these challenges alongside existing support systems, and how the partnerships formed with local communities through co-design and listening inform how we tailor our approach in a way that is most relevant. 

We believe AllChild is well-placed to support the current government's ambition to break down barriers to opportunity and change the way our system supports children and families. 

As this report highlights, amazing things can happen when we work together. Our recent event at the House of Lords demonstrated the power of bringing together school leaders, local and central government leaders, charities, community groups and philanthropic partners -  “This is the AllChild network – everyone with a stake in children growing up well.”

And we know that everyone who wants to see children flourish in their communities must come together in a way whereby;

  • We are building relationships of genuine care and trust at every level 
  • We are acknowledging both the limits and the strengths of each sector so we can take them ever further 

We are optimistic that there is now a window of opportunity to build upon our work in a way where there isn’t a need for new initiatives to drive transformational change, but that we can adapt and utilise what we are currently doing to be a national blueprint to transform the way young people are supported going forward. 

Working together, we aim to build a movement which adopts a new approach to investing in children across the UK.

Learn more about our future ambitions and how we are striving to build deeper local connections with a network of system-based partners in From Local Learning to National Ambition 

together, every child and young person can flourish.
